Janet Releases a Strong Statement Via Her Lawyer Regarding the Jackson Drama


 width=Jermaine may have dropped out of the battle but Janet Jackson and her sister Rebbie and brother Randy continue to contest the validity of their brother’s will and released a statement late Friday.A lawyer for Janet Jackson made a statement on her behalf, along with Randy and Rebbie Jackson regarding all the recent drama between them and Michael Jackson’s estate:Since the loss of Michael, Janet, Randy and Rebbie’s principal concern has been and continues to be for the safety and wellbeing of Michael’s children, their mother Katherine Jackson, and the entire family. Unfortunately, those people have been harmed by the actions of the executors of Michael’s estate “” John Branca and John McClain, the estate’s lawyer Howard Weitzman, and those installed and paid to do their bidding.The negative media caign generated by the executors and their agents has been relentless. In recent weeks, the media has received preposterous reports “” all now proven to be false “” of a purported kidnapping of Katherine Jackson and of physical and verbal abuse of a child. The executors and their agents also recently issued a notice barring Janet, Randy and Rebbie from visiting their 82 year old mother and Michael’s children. The effect of that notice not only is to damage fundamental family relationships, it is also to isolate Katherine Jackson from anyone questioning the validity of Michael’s will.The actions of the executors and those working for them can only be understood in ligh of the questions abotu the will raised by Janet, Randy, and Rebbie. The executors have never explained how Michael could have signed his will in California on a date that irrefutable evidence establishes he was in New York.It is important to stress that Janet, Randy and Rebbie have questioned the validity fo the will with no financial motive whatesoever “” they stand to gain nothing financially by a finding tha the will is invalid. That point is worth repeating “” they stand to gain nothing financially by a finding that the will is invalid. Michael’s children will be the beneficiaries of Michael’s estate. What will be gained by a finding of invalidity is that the executors will be replaced and the estate and the guardianship will be managed in a manner that is in the best interests of the children, which is what Michael wanted. The individuals who have the most to lose by a finding that the will is invalid are, of course, the executors and those on the executors’ payroll.Janet, Randy and Rebbie will continue to press forward in their search for the truth in order to carry out the wishes of their brother Michael.